ASRT Election
Voting Eligibility

You are eligible to vote in the ASRT election if you were an ASRT member on or before the last business day in December.

Excerpted from the ASRT Bylaws Section 2. Categories of Membership

Categories of Membership


  1. Active members are those who are registered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) or equivalent or hold an unrestricted license under state statute. They shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of membership including the right to vote, hold office and serve as a delegate.
  2. Student members are those who are enrolled in primary radiologic science programs. They shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of active members. Eligibility for student membership shall terminate upon initial certification.
  3. Emeritus members are those who have reached age 65, maintained membership in good standing in the ASRT for at least 30 years and applied for emeritus status. They shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of active members except to hold office or serve as a delegate. No new members shall be inducted into this category after January 1, 1990.
  4. Life members are those active members who have maintained continuous membership for a minimum of 30 years and shall be limited to one for each 2,500 active members. Their participation as a member shall reflect exceptional service and dedication to the ASRT and the profession. They shall be selected by three-fourths vote of the entire membership of the Board of Directors. They shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of active members.
  5. Retired members are those who hold retired status with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) or equivalent or who meet Social Security Administration requirements for retirement. They shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of active members except to hold office or serve as a delegate.
  6. Radiologist assistants are those registered radiologic technologists who hold the credential R.R.A. They shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of active members.
  7. Graduate bridge members are those who are registered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) or equivalent and are within 24 months of their initial certification. They shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of active members.
  8. Active Military members are those who are registered or certified in a primary modality by certification agencies recognized by the ASRT and are actively serving in the United States Armed Forces. They shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of membership including the right to vote, hold office and serve as a delegate.


  1. Associate members are those who are or have been employed in the technical, educational, managerial or corporate aspects of the radiologic sciences and do not qualify for active membership. They shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of active members except to vote, hold office or serve as a delegate.
  2. Limited x-ray machine operators are those who perform diagnostic x-ray procedures on selected anatomical sites and are not registered radiologic technologists. They shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of active members except to vote, hold office or serve as a delegate.
  3. International members are those who reside outside the United States or any of its territories, are not registered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) or equivalent, and are employed in the technical, educational, managerial or corporate aspects of the radiologic sciences. They shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of active members except to vote, hold office or serve as a delegate.

If you have any questions about your voting eligibility, please e-mail