Affiliates must submit the following to the ASRT office. (Refer to ASRT Bylaws, Article III Membership, Section 5 Affiliate Organizations.)
- Annual budget and financial statements including income statement and balance sheet.
- Affiliate bylaws in agreement with ASRT bylaws. ASRT will edit them for you if you provide them electronically.
- Articles of incorporation. If not incorporated, please advise the ASRT of the stage of incorporation you are in.
- Verification that affiliate officers are ASRT members. Provide a list of their names, positions they hold and ASRT member numbers.
- Charter renewal. Charters will be renewed each year.
- Annual meeting information such as dates and location.
- Officers' names and contact information. It also would be helpful if you provide ASRT with contact information for your legislative liaison, publications editor, district and chapter leaders and bylaws chairman.
ASRT Bylaws